Jimmy Carter graduated from Annapolis, was a naval officer, successful farmer, Governor of Georgia, President of the United States, Nobel Peace Prize winner and self proclaimed 'do gooder'. His fall began in a strange place, in his religious convictions. In The United States of America there are many ‘born again’ Christians who believe in the rapture, the end times, and love Israel. It's okay to be ‘born again’, but if you are ‘born again’ you should join the Republican party and anxiously wait for your savior’s return and love Israel like Mr. Bush, Mrs. Palin, Tom Daley and other fine Americans.
If you are a Catholic, that is okay, just don’t get too worked up about religion. We all love Notre Dame, the St. Patrick’s Day Parade and we pander to the Popes, especially when they die. Christianity is very nice, but we have had to tone down the Christmas & Easter zeal and definitely not discuss things like the Sermon on the Mount, the Eye of a needle and other such topics of scripture, because this is America. If you are a Buddhist, Hindu or something of that ilk, as long as you sit on your mat and imagine reality is a dream, you are fine. And all you non-born again, non-Catholic Christians, just keep on saying what you want to say in private, and we won’t bother you.
But there is definitely no place for activist Christians on the left; they only get in trouble. Christians should keep it simple. You should leave big thinking, the media, Hollywood and academia to others. Poor Mr. Carter, how could a peanut farmer from Georgia think he was going to tell Israel and her friends in the US media how to act? How dare he insinuate that the US media is run by ‘special interests’ and publish a book called Palestine Peace Not Apartheid ?

Our friends at The Anti-Defamation League put large advertisements in major newspapers showing how Mr. Carter was propagating ''myths like Jewish control of the government and media” And just to make sure people understood the quality of his book, we gave it some nice reviews in our media.
‘.. parts of Mr. Carter’s book … seemed strikingly similar to a work by a different author…a narrative that is largely unsympathetic to Israel. Israeli bad faith fills the pages. Hollow statements by Israel’s enemies are presented without comment… tone deafness about Israel and Jews.’ The New York Times
‘It trivializes the murder of Israelis. Now, facing a storm of criticism, he has relied on anti-Semitic stereotypes in defense…..has not only failed to move the process forward but has given refuge to scoundrels…accusations, unsupported by actual evidence, that Israel persecutes its Christian citizens’ The Washington Post
‘Jimmy Carter's moronic new book about Israel.’ Slate

And then in an open to letter to the LA Times you wrote this.
The many controversial issues concerning Palestine and the path to peace for Israel are intensely debated among Israelis and throughout other nations — but not in the United States. For the last 30 years, I have witnessed and experienced the severe restraints on any free and balanced discussion of the facts. This reluctance to criticize any policies of the Israeli government is because of the extraordinary lobbying efforts of the American-Israel Political Action Committee and the absence of any significant contrary voices
Jimmy, what country do you think you are in? This is America and you are beyond the pale. Did you really think that in this great country you could call a spade a spade? Soon you will be announcing from the hilltops that some ‘special interest’ groups have taken over Hollywood, a majority of major media outlets, Wall Street and American foreign policy.

Jimmy, forget about Israel and go be a good Christian peacemaker in Africa. If you continue to be repentant and show the powers that be the proper respect, we might even be able to throw an old dog like you one last bone ‘for the road’. If we can rehabilitate Michael Milken, maybe we can do the same for you too. Jimmy, mend you ways, be a good boy, and don’t forget this is America.
One of the other amazing lapses from the pro-Israel atmosphere here in the USA was an article in National Geographic Magazine discussing the policies that Israel is using to drive Christians out of Jerusalem and Israel. I apparently posses too low a bandwidth to understand how the extreme degree of US support for Israel fits with our constitutional belief in and success with maintaining a substantial separation between governance and religion.
ReplyDeleteWe invaded Iraq because it was violating the UN resolutions (along with the existence of phony WMDs). Yet Israel is the country with the highest records in violating the UN resolutions! Yet we unconditionally support Israel. Israel uses American arms and kills thousands of Palestinians, invades and occupies Arab lands, and when the chickens come to roost in 9-11 (in no way do I justify murderous killings of innocent civilians, but bad actions lead to worst reactions), we become enraged, as if America has done nothing wrong in the Middle East. Americans can keep congratulating themselves and padding themselves in the back as being the most innocent and generous people on earth (Yes America defeated fascism and communism, and provides the most money to fund the recovery efforts for the natural disasters around the world, but the same America has also done bad things such as overthrowing the democratically elected Gov-s of Dr. Mossadegh and Alende in Iran and Chile in 1953 and 1973 and turning her back at suppression of Palestinina people), but living in a dream land is one thing and reality is another thing. As long as Americans unconditionally keep supporting Israel and its suppression of Palestinians, there would be a price to pay. It is laughable that Arabs keep calling Israel for exchanging land for peace and the US Gov. keeps giving lip service to Middle East peace process, and yet as usual the US Gov. doesn't even have the spine to force Israelies to stop making more settlements in the occupied territoriues. Yes Arabs were wrong to go to war against Israel in 1947, and they lost more grounds and Israel's 55% land given by the UN became 78% of the whole Palestine, but to invade Arab countries in 1967 and grab the remaining 22% is not justified under any norm. I chose "Anonymous" because other options were not the right one, but here I can declare that I am an Armenian/American named Serj Elyasi.
ReplyDeleteMan there's got to be a day when these freak radicals from israel will eat they own word...this so called state ( land stealers ) are nothing but a bunch of racists. Promised land and holocaust is where they hide behind...come on it's getting old people...let's change the music.